
to all my hardworking Champs…this is dedicated to you!!!!

Aniekan "AU" USOROH

hey Champs,

What a Friday to end a truly fascinating week…..indeed a great day to be alive. I have not been as regular as I would have love to be due to some really pressing “issue” that took up most of my time……the “issue”??….REST..hmmm, yup. Starting the week with two public holidays got me thinking about readjusting my life , time and activities in a way to ensure that I really start getting adequate rest, get my mind and body refreshed which translates into greater creativity, significantly enhanced efficiency and geometrically progressive productivity!

Understand, Champ that you would ALWAYS do and achieve less with a tired brain!!!!!!!! i know some folks say they work better under pressure….well pressure is not the same thing as being tired. you cant afford to function tired.As a matter a fact you are a danger to yourself and others when you function tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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About aniekanusoroh

AU is a business development administrator and service delivery planner who is sold out to the "there is a better way" concept..the pursuit of excellence!...thus birthing the Pathway of Champions initiative which is a movement that calls for a personal dedication to commit to excellence in every phase and sphere of life....

Posted on October 10, 2014, in INSPIRATION. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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